Hi, I live in Siena place. I noticed that Benzene concentration is a light green and close to the dark green shaded areas in the same spot as my current house (very close to pha housing and refinery) (Evergreen note: this question refers to slide #38 “Groundwater Investigation Results – Benzene” in the August 27, 2020 presentation which is available for view or download on www.phillyrefinerycleanup.info). I think it was in the lower aquifer and water table aquifer. Because it is right below my house it seems from the map, can this present a danger to me or the house? Like can my water and be affected? And gas vapors be present? Or is it totally safe to live in this area even though it is below ground?
Information from the remedial investigation activities do not indicate that there is any risk to indoor or outside air in offsite properties from benzene in groundwater originating from the former Philadelphia Refinery. Evaluation of vapors to indoor and outdoor air from a dissolved plume beneath the subsurface is part of the evaluation required by Act 2. That evaluation will be included in future Act 2 reports to be submitted upon completion of all Remedial Investigation Reports. Please note that the slide being referenced shows refinery data as well as data collected from other nearby Act 2 sites. Plumes originating from other Act 2 sites are evaluated by the appropriate responsible parties who are remediating those Sites.