Act 2 Documents
*NOTE: The report currently open for public comment is under the Site-Wide Reports tab below. This includes the Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessment (SLERA) which is a resubmittal to address comments on the 2022 Ecological Risk Assessment report. Comments on the report listed above and General Comments may be submitted through the Comment Submission Form tab of this website (or email or USPS as noted on the page).
Since 2003, Sunoco or Evergreen have performed site characterization activities across the entire facility, which was divided into 11 Areas of Interest (AOIs) in accordance with the 2003 Consent Order and Agreement. Each one of the AOIs has had one or more technical reports submitted to the PADEP and EPA providing all of the environmental data collected at the property. Historically, Belmont Terminal was included in AOI-1, but is now its own Site and is listed separately below for the purposes of reporting.
In October 2006, Sunoco submitted a notice of intent to remediate (NIR) to the PADEP entering the property into the Act 2 program. This NIR was later updated in 2014 and 2016 and a separate NIR submitted for Belmont Terminal. NIR documents are available in the drop-down menu below. In November 2011, the facility was formally entered into the PA One Cleanup Program with the USEPA – Region III and PADEP. In November 2011, Sunoco submitted a Work Plan for Site Wide Approach under the One Cleanup Program. Characterization and remediation work at the PES Complex is currently being performed under the September 2012 Buyer-Seller Agreement signed by Sunoco, PES, and the PADEP. The First Amendment to Consent Order and Agreement was signed in June 2020 to amend the Buyer-Seller Agreement after purchase of the site by Hilco.
Below are the Act 2 reports which have been submitted to the PADEP and USEPA to date. The most recent Remedial Investigation Report (RIR) for each AOI incorporates past data and supersedes previous investigation reports. Due to electronic file size, some reports were broken into two parts (Part 1 and Part 2) for ease of download. Some reports below include the refinery property as a whole (not broken up by AOI) and are listed in the Refinery-Wide Reports. In the future, some reports may also be submitted by development phase/area as defined by Hilco Redevelopment Partners since the property is being developed on an area by area phased basis.
Future Act 2 reports will also be posted on this website along with regulatory correspondence for these reports. Future reports may include but are not limited to Cleanup Plan(s) and Final Report(s).
Although the reports provided on this website include all Act 2 reports which have been submitted to PADEP and USEPA and the formal comments provided by the agencies on those reports, we have refrained from uploading all communications to the website which have been exchanged over the past several decades related to the complex. Because the investigatory and remedial approach has evolved and questions or matters which may have been raised in older communications have been addressed in more recent reports and/or otherwise rendered moot, we have refrained from posting all prior communications so as not to water down the more relevant substantive reports. The PADEP records included on this website reflect PADEP’s decision-making at various points in the overall Act 2 process but do not include an exhaustive list of every “record” in the official public file. To examine PADEP’s public file, please schedule an informal file review through PADEP’s Norristown office.
In light of the complexity and technical nature of the Remedial Investigation Reports below, Plain Language Summaries have been prepared to aid in the public’s review of these documents. One document was prepared for each AOI in 2020 and are available in the drop-down lists below. A document titled Overview of Former Sunoco Philadelphia Environmental Investigations was also prepared in 2020 as a guide for reviewing those reports and provides some basic background information, explanation of the regulations that apply to Evergreen’s work, and some basic technical concepts that are discussed in the RIR summaries. To view the documents, click the appropriate title below. Also provided below is a list of common Acronyms found in the reports. Note that any Act 2 report submitted after 2020 will also have it’s own Plain Language Summary that is part of the report submittal.
Overview of Former Sunoco Philadelphia Environmental Investigations
( Spanish | Chinese | Vietnamese )
Notices of Intent to Remediate
NIR Update_Nov 2014
NIR Update_Nov 2016
Belmont Terminal NIR_Oct 2014
Belmont Terminal
Belmont Terminal_Remedial Investigation Report_6-12-24_Part 2 (Appendices)
Belmont Terminal Remedial Investigation Report Plain Language Summary
Belmont_RIR_Public Comments & Responses_8-9-24
Belmont Terminal_PADEP Letter_RIR_9-6-2024
AOI 1 - Point Breeze No. 1 Tank Farm
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 1 RIR_8-5-16_Part1
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 1 RIR_8-5-16_Part2
AOI-1 RIR Public Notices_July 2016
AOI-1 PADEP Letter_RIR_20161101
AOI-1 PADEP Comments_RIR_20161108
AOI-1 PADEP Memo_RIR_20161031
AOI-1 Evergreen Response_RIR_20170131
AOI 2 - Point Breeze Processing Area
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 2 RIR_07-20-17_Part1
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 2 RIR_07-20-17_Part2
AOI-2 RIR Public Notices_Aug 2016
AOI-2 PADEP Letter_RIR_20171018
AOI-2 PADEP Comments_RIR_201710
AOI-2 PADEP Memo_RIR_20171017
AOI-2 Evergreen Response_RIR_20171228
AOI 3 - Point Breeze Impoundment Area
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 3 RIR_03-20-17_Part1
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 3 RIR_03-20-17_Part2
AOI-3 RIR Public Notices_Mar 2016
AOI-3 PADEP Letter_RIR_20170614
AOI-3 PADEP Comments_RIR_201706
AOI-3 PADEP Memo_RIR_20170609
AOI-3 Evergreen Response_RIR_20170830
AOI 4 - No. 4 Tank Farm
Philadelphia Refinery AOI_4_RIR_Addendum_09-30-2021_Part_2
Philadelphia Refinery AOI_4_RIR_Addendum_09-30-2021_Part_3
AOI-4_PNDI update memo_12-28-21
AOI4 RIR Addendum Plain Language Overview_093021
AOI-4 RIR Addendum_Notices_Sept_2021
AOI 4 Addendum Public Comments
AOI-4_PADEP Letter_RIR Addendum_12-29-21
AOI-4_PADEP Memo_RIR Addendum_12-29-21
2020 Plain Language Summary of Previous Remedial Investigations - AOI 4
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI4 RIR_03-24-17_Part1
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI4 RIR_03-24-17_Part2 (Figures Only)
AOI-4 RIR Public Notices_Mar 2017
AOI-4 PADEP Letter_RIR_20170621
AOI-4 PADEP Comments_RIR_20170629
AOI-4 PADEP Memo_RIR_20170621
AOI-4 Evergreen Response_RIR_20170830
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 4 SC-RIR_10-16-13
AOI-4 SC-RIR Public Notices_Oct 2013
AOI-4 PADEP Letter_SC-RIR_20140115
AOI-4 PADEP Comments_SC-RIR_20140116
AOI-4 PADEP Memo_SC-RIR_20140114
AOI 5 - Girard Point South Tank Field
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 5 RIR_01-16-17_Part1
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 5 RIR_01-16-17_Part2
AOI-5 RIR Public Notices_Mar 2015
AOI-5 RIR Public Notices_Jan 2017
AOI-5 PADEP Letter_RIR_20170502
AOI-5 PADEP Comments_RIR_20170504
AOI-5_PADEP Memo_RIR_20170428
AOI-5 Evergreen Response_RIR_20170731
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 5 SCR-RIR-CUP_12-13-11
AOI-5 SC-RIR-CUP Public Notices_Nov 2011
AOI-5 PADEP Letter_SC-RIR-CUP_20120315
AOI-5 PADEP Comments_SC-RIR-CUP_20120319
AOI-5 Evergreen Response_SC-RIR-CUP_20120725
AOI 6 - Girard Point Chemicals Area
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 6 RIR_11-21-17_Part1
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 6 RIR_11-21-17_Part2
AOI-6 RIR Public Notices_Feb 2017
AOI-6 PADEP Letter_RIR_20180226
AOI-6 PADEP Comments_RIR_20180301
AOI-6 PADEP Memo_RIR_20180222
AOI-6 Evergreen Response_RIR_20180430
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 6 SCR-RIR_09-03-13_Part1
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 6 SCR-RIR_09-03-13_Part2
AOI-6 SC-RIR Public Notices_Jun 2013
AOI-6 PADEP Letter_SC-RIR_20131127
AOI-6 PADEP Comments_SC-RIR_20131122
AOI-6 PADEP Memo_SC-RIR_20131122
AOI 7 - Girard Point Fuels Area
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 7 RIR_06-09-17_ Part1
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 7 RIR_06-09-17_Part2
AOI-7 RIR Public Notices_Feb 2017
AOI-7 PADEP Letter_RIR_20170830
AOI-7 PADEP Comments_RIR_20170831
AOI-7 PADEP Memo_RIR_20170824
AOI-7 Evergreen Response_RIR_20171031
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 7 SC-RIR Addendum_09-19-13
AOI-7 SC-RIR Addendum Public Notices_Aug 2013
AOI-7 PADEP Letter_SC-RIRs_20131218
AOI-7 PADEP Comments_SC-RIRs_20131218
AOI-7 PADEP Memo_SC-RIRs_20131206
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 7 SCR-RIR_02-29-12
AOI-7 SC-RIR Public Notices_Jan 2012
AOI-7 PADEP Letter_SC-RIRs_20131218
AOI-7 PADEP Comments_SC-RIR_20120717
AOI 8 - North Yard
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 8 RIR_12-21-17_Part1
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 8 RIR_12-21-17_Part 2 (Figures Only)
AOI-8 RIR Public Notices_Dec 2017
AOI-8 PADEP Letter_RIR_20180322
AOI-8 PADEP Memo_RIR_20180322
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 8 SCR-RIR_01-31-12_Part1
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 8 SCR-RIR_01-31-12_Part 2 (Figures Only)
AOI-8 SC-RIR Public Notices_May 2011
AOI-8 PADEP Comments_SC-RIR_20120709
AOI 9 - Schuylkill River Tank Farm
AOI-9_PNDI update memo_12-21-21
AOI9 2nd RIR Addendum Plain Language Overview_093021
AOI-9 Second_RIR_Addendum_Notices_Sept_2021
AOI 9 2nd Addendum Public Comments
AOI9_2nd_RIR_Addendum_Public Comment_Response_11-29-2021
AOI-9_PADEP Letter_RIR 2nd Addendum_12-27-21
AOI-9_PADEP Memo_RIR 2nd Addendum_12-27-21
2020 Plain Language Summary of Previous Remedial Investigations - AOI 9
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 9 RIR Addendum_02-08-17_Part1
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 9 RIR Addendum_02-08-17_Part2
AOI-9 RIR Addendum Public Notices_Jan 2017
AOI-9_PADEP Letter_RIR Addendum_20170418
AOI-9_PADEP Comments_RIR Addendum_20170418
AOI-9_PADEP Memo_RIR Addendum_20170413
AOI-9 Evergreen Response_RIR Addendum_20170707
Philadelphia Refinery_AIO 9 RIR_12-31-15_Part1
Philadelphia Refinery_AIO 9 RIR_12-31-15_Part2
AOI-9 RIR Public Notices_Oct 2015
AOI-9 PADEP Letter_RIR_20160328
AOI-9 PADEP Comments_RIR_20160310
AOI-9_PADEP Memo_RIR_20160324
AOI 10 - West yard
AOI 10_Final Report_Plain Language Summary_12-29-23
AOI-10_Final Report Public Notices_December 2023
AOI-10_Final Report_Public Comments & Responses_2-29-24
AOI 10_Final Report_PADEP Letter_3-28-24
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 10_HHRA-CUP_6-30-23
AOI-10_HHRA-CUP_Plain Language Summary_6-30-23
AOI-10_HHRA-CUP Public Notices_June 2023
AOI 10_HHRA-CUP_Public Comments & Responses_9-11-23
AOI-10 PADEP Letter_HHRA-CUP_10-16-23
AOI 10_HHRA-CUP_Responses to Regulator Comments_12-15-23
AOI 10_HHRA-CUP_PADEP Letter_03-14-2024
2020 Plain Language Summary of RIR & ERA Reports - AOI 10
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 10 ERA_6-9-16
AOI-10 ERA Public Notices_Aug 2016
AOI-10 PADEP Letter_RA_ 20161110
AOI-10 PADEP Comments_ SC-RIR-RA_20161117
AOI-10 PADEP Memo_RA_20161108
AOI-10 Evergreen Response_SC-RIR-RA_20170131
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 10 SCR-RIR_06-29-11
AOI-10 Evergreen Response_SC-RIR-RA_20170131
AOI-10 SC-RIR Public Notices_Jun 2011
AOI-10 PADEP Letter_SC-RIR_20120106
AOI-10 PADEP Comments_ SC-RIR-RA_20161117
AOI-10 Evergreen Response_SC-RIR_20111108
AOI-10 Evergreen Response_SC-RIR-RA_20170131
AOI 11 - Deep Aquifer Beneath the Complex
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 11 Final Report_06-21-2013 - Part1
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 11 Final Report_06-21-2013 - Part2
AOI-11 Final Report Public Notices_Jun 2013
AOI-11 PADEP Letter_FR_20130926
AOI-11 PADEP Comments_FR_20130912
AOI-11 PADEP Memo_FR_20130923
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 11 SCR_RIR_09-12-11_Part1
Philadelphia Refinery_AOI 11 SCR_RIR_09-12-11_Part2
AOI-11 SC-RIR Public Notices_Sep 2011
AOI-11 PADEP Comments_SC-RIR_20111209
Site-Wide Reports (RIR Addenda, F&T RIRs, HHRAs, Eco RA/SLERA, CUP)
SLERA Plain Language Summary_3-3-25
SLERA Public Notices_3-3-25
Act 2 Combination Report - Volume 1/Introduction_1-2-25
Act 2 Combination Report - Volume 2/Fate & Transport RIR_1-2-25 (Text/Tables/Appendices)
Act 2 Combination Report - Volume 2/Fate & Transport RIR_1-2-25 (Figures)
Act 2 Combination Report - Volume 3/Human Health Risk Assessment_1-2-25
Volume 1/2_Fate & Transport RIR_Plain Lanaguage Summary_1-2-25
Volume 1/3_Human Health Risk Assessment_Plain Language Summary_1-2-25
Volume 1-3_Public Notices
Volume 2_F&T RIR_Public Comments and Responses_3-11-25
Volume 3_HHRA_Public Comments and Responses_3-11-25
Philadelphia Refinery_RIR Addendum (Units&136 Area)_6-30-23
RIR Addendum (Units&136 Area)_Plain Language Summary_6-30-23
RIR Addendum (Units&136 Area)_Public Notices_June 2023
Unit Sampling RIR_PADEP Letter_9-27-23
Unit Sampling RIR_PADEP Memo_10-3-23
Unit Sampling RIR_Response to DEP Comments_11-17-23
Unit Sampling RIR_PADEP Letter_02-09-24
Ecological Risk Assessment: Areas of Interest 1 through 9_06-30-2022
Ecological Risk Assessment_Plain Language Overview_063022
Ecological Risk Assessment_Public Notices_June2022
Public Comments & Evergreen Response_Ecological Risk Assessment_Aug2022
Eco RA_PADEP Letter_9-28-22
Eco RA_PADEP Memo_9-27-22
Eco RA_EPA comments_10-4-22
Sitewide Fate & Transport RIR_Part 1 - Groundwater Flow Model_06-30-2022
Sitewide Fate & Transport RIR_Part 2 Section I - Contaminant Fate and Transport Assessment_06-30-2022
Sitewide Fate & Transport RIR_Part 2 Section II - Contaminant Fate and Transport Assessment_06-30-2022
Sitewide Fate & Transport RIR_Part 2 Section III - Contaminant Fate and Transport Assessment_06-30-2022
Sitewide F&T RIR_Plain Language Overview_06-30-2022
Sitewide F&T RIR_Public Notices_06-30-2022
Public Comments & Evergreen Response_Sitewide F&T RIR_Aug2022
F&T RIR_PADEP Letter_9-28-22
F&T RIR_PADEP Memo_9-28-22
F&T RIR_EPA USACE Comments_10-12-22
Sitewide RIR Addendum_2022
Sitewide RIR Addendum_Plain Language Overview_052022
Sitewide_RIR Addendum_Public Notices_May_2022
Sitewide_RIR Addendum_Public Comments
Sitewide_RIR Addendum_Public Comment Response_07-19-2022
PADEP Letter & Memo_Sitewide RIR Addendum_Public_08-18-2022
Sitewide RIR Addendum_Response to EPA-DEP Comments_101722
Sitewide_RIR Addendum_PADEP Letter_01-12-23
Former Refinery Public Comment RIR Report_03-31-2021
Public Comment RIR Public Notices
PADEP Letter Public Comment RIR - 20210629
PADEP Memo - Public Comment RIR - 20210629
Evergreen Response_PC RIR_20210828_Part1
Evergreen Response_PC RIR_20210828_Part2
PADEP Approval Letter_Public Comment RIR_20211124
Philadelphia Refinery_Lead HHRA _02-24-15
Lead HHRA Public Notices_Feb 2015
PADEP Letter_Lead HHRA_20150506
PADEP Memo_Lead HHRA_20150430
Public Involvement Plans
2019 Public Involvement Plan (PIP)
2020 Community Outreach Plan
2021 Public Engagement Plan
Maiden Lane_GW Discharge Permit
26th St North_GW Discharge Permit
Pollock St Horizontal Wells_GW Discharge Permit