Referenced Historic Reports

Langan (2004),CCR and CRP, Sunoco, Inc. (R_M), Philadelphia Refinery and Belmont Terminal, Philadelphia

2017 AOI-5 Site Characterization Report/Remedial Action Completion Report
AOI 1 and 4 Workplan_012105_Final_111605
Site Characterization Report AOI 4 082905_F
Langan (2011). Work Plan for the Site Wide Approach Under the One Cleanup Program
DSCP Fourth Quarter and CY 2016 Progress Report
2007.07.24 2006-2007 Intermediate and Deep Well Installation and Sampling Report

1993_RAP_IMWP Implementation Ballfields Area Dames Moore Sep 28 1993
1993_RAP_Interim Measures Work Plan Dames Moore Mar 15 1993
1996_Draft Short Pier Initial Investigation Rpt HANDEX Aug 13 1996
1996_Initial Investigation Report Handex Aug 13 1996
1996_SW Tank Field Subsurface Rpt and Conceptual Remediation Sys Design Handex Sep 26 1996
1997_Short Pier Area Recovery Well Install and Feasibility Test Rpt Handex Oct 23 1997
2001_14 Service Bldg_Pollock St Sewer Naphtha Investigation Handex May 2 2001
2002_Site Investigation Report Pollock Street Sewer South Yard Aquaterra Oct 18 2002
2003_Site Characterization and Remedial Feasibility Testing Rpt Aquaterra Jan 30 2003
2003_Subsurface Evaluation Update and RAP Aquaterra Aug 12 2003
2009_Pollack Street Sewer Cross Section Plan
1988_Investigation of Area A Ballfields Dames Moore Jun 10 1988
1988_Investigations of Area B Ballfields_Dames and Moore_August 30 1988
1991_Environmental Investigation Ballfields_Dames and Moore_ May 24 1991
1993_Comprehensive Remedial Plan Sep 23 1993 Sunoco ENSR GES

2017 AOI-5 RIR_Appendix J_Historical Reports Combined
AOI 3 SCR_RIR_092710_Final_combined
AOI 6 SCR_092906
AOI 6 WorkPlan_022406
AOIs 2 and 3 Work Plan_031910_final_combined
2010_AOI 2 SCR RIR
2010_PHL PB 140s Area AST Report_FINAL_Stantec
2012_AOI 2 Short Pier Geotech Report (URS)

Figure 1 – Proposed Characterization Activities AOI-3_4-1-15
Handex (2000). Status Report for Sunoco Inc., Belmont Terminal, 2700 Passyunk Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Handex (2001). Sunoco, Inc. (R_M), Belmont Terminal, Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Delineation Report.
ARCADIS (2013). Second Q 2013 Rpt for the Former Defense Supply Center Philadelphia Facility Philadelphia PA
ARCADIS (2013). Second Quarter 2013 Report for the Former Defense Supply Center Philadelphia Facility, Philadelphia, PA.
ARCADIS (2014a). Fourth Quarter 2013 and Calendar Year 2013 Summary Progress Report for the Former DSCP
ARCADIS (2014b). Second Quarter 2014 Progress Report for the Former Defense Supply Center Philadelphia Facility, Philadelphia, PA.
Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (1987). Draft Report, 26th Street Pilot Remedial Recovery Investigation at the Atlantic Ref
ENSR (1992). Sun Company, Inc (R_M), Philadelphia Refinery, Philadelphia, PA, Results of a RCRA Facility Investigation
Evergreen (2016). 2016 First Half Philadelphia Remed Status Rpt-07.29.2016

IST (1998). Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Source Study at Defense Supply Center Philadelphia V1
IST (1998). Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Source Study at Defense Supply Center Philadelphia V2.pdf
IST (1998). Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Source Study at Defense Supply Center Philadelphia V3.pdf
IST (1998). Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Source Study at Defense Supply Center Philadelphia V4.pdf
IST (2008). December 2007 Summary. Unpublished study
Handex, 2000a, Cone Penetrometer Subsurface Investigation Report, Sunnoco, Inc. Belmont Terminal
Handex, 2001b, NAPL Recovery Tests and PumpingPump Test Results, Belmont Terminal

Langan (2008b). Remedial Action Plan Addendum, Area of Interest 1, Sunoco, Inc. (R_M
Langan (2010). AOI 7 SCR_RIR_092810_Final_combined-09.28.2010
Langan (2012). AOI 7 SCR_RIR_022912_FINAL (1)-02.29.2011
Langan (2007). Site Characterization Report, AOI 1, Sunoco, Inc. (R_M), Philadelphia Refinery and Belmont Terminal
Langan (2008a). Remedial Action Plan, AOI 1, Sunoco, Inc. (R_M)

PGW – Passyunk – Groundwater Sampling Report – Q3 2016
PGW – Passyunk – Groundwater Sampling Report – Q1 2016
PGW – Passyunk – Groundwater Sampling Report – Q4 2016
Mulry and Cresswell Environmental, Inc., 1998a, Free Product Delineation Along Shunk St. Sewer
Mulry and Cresswell Environmental, Inc., 1998b, Shunk Street Sewer Remediation Project
PGW – Passyunk – Groundwater Sampling Report – Q2 2016

SECOR (2003). Remedial Investigation Report, 26th Street Border Point Breeze Processing Area
Secor International Inc. (Secor), 2004, 26th Street Border Progress Report.
Sunoco, Inc., 2000, Belmont Terminal SVE Remediation System Evaluation Report
Table 1 -Summary of Proposed Site Characterization Activities for AOI 3_040115
Tetra Tech (2005). Intermediate and Deep Well Installation and Sampling Report for the Former DSCP
Tetra Tech (2007). 2006-2007 Intermediate and Deep Well Installation and Sampling Report for the Former DSCP
PES_Final Soil Reuse Plan_061313
2003 Consent Order & Agreement
2012 Buyer-Seller Agreement
First Amendment to Consent Order and Agreement