1)The site-specific standard for lead was approved by both PADEP and EPA and utilized the updated Adult Lead Model and exposure assumptions recommended by the USEPA and the PADEP. As part of the remedial investigations, the lead data was compared to the Act 2 SHS MSC, which is 450 ppm, based on the soil to groundwater pathway. This comparison is shown on the figures/tables in the RI Reports and in the 8/27/20... read more
What sea level rise, if any, was the tide gate built to accommodate?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
Tide gates are a common flood prevention structure for areas in a tidal zone. Tide gates close during incoming tides to prevent inundation from downstream water propagating inland, and they open during outgoing tides to drain upland areas. The tide gates at the Site were not specifically designed to address sea level rise; however, the Site will continue to be regulated under the stormwater management requirements... read more
Will Evergreen be incorporating climate resilience into its groundwater modeling?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
A literature review of available, published resources on climate change for the Philadelphia region and discussion of the potential implications to Evergreen’s groundwater model will be included in the upcoming Fate and Transport RIR. Evergreen’s groundwater flow model for the former Philadelphia Refinery has been calibrated and validated to recent environmental conditions and measured observations. As a part... read more