Characterization of the refinery geology, hydrogeology, and extent of contamination, including study of the pathways that could exist, has been ongoing and is included in the RIRs. A fate and transport analysis will be prepared once all the RIRs have been approved, and the analysis will include model simulations of contaminant transport. This report is expected to be submitted by the end of... read more
When will Evergreen conduct the fate and transport analysis for the lower aquifer? There is no aquitard between upper and lower aquifer across most of the site. Won’t the heavily contaminated shallow aquifer gradually leach contaminants into the lower aquifer? (a critical drinking water source for New Jersey)
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
The fate and transport analysis for the lower aquifer will be performed once the Remedial Investigation Reports for AOI 4 and AOI 9 have been approved. Areas beneath the Site where connections exist between the lower aquifer and water table aquifer are less extensive than the areas where we have that important clay layer present. The cross section shown during the August 2020 Public Information Session was just... read more
Will Evergreen be incorporating climate resilience into its groundwater modeling?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
A literature review of available, published resources on climate change for the Philadelphia region and discussion of the potential implications to Evergreen’s groundwater model will be included in the upcoming Fate and Transport RIR. Evergreen’s groundwater flow model for the former Philadelphia Refinery has been calibrated and validated to recent environmental conditions and measured observations. As a part... read more
What is the status of your groundwater and aquifer modeling for all pollutants?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
The groundwater flow model has been completed but cannot be finalized and submitted until all Remedial Investigation Reports are approved as data collected for these reports are used as the basis for the groundwater flow model. Groundwater contaminant fate and transport model efforts will be conducted subsequent to approval of the Remedial Investigation Reports since the fate and transport modeling is dependent upon... read more