Various remediation systems historically have been discontinued generally when the remedial goals are complete or where the technology is no longer the most appropriate. Each remediation system is discussed in its associated Remedial Investigation Report. Any proposed additional systems, remedial goals and associated monitoring will be included in future Act 2 reports such as the Risk Assessment and the Cleanup... read more
Two water filtration plants (at Girard Point and Point Breeze) treat groundwater before returning water to the Schuylkill River. How effective are these systems? What happens during heavy rains and floods?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
The water treatment plants are run and operated by PES under a NPDES permit issued by the PADEP. Operation of the water treatment plant will be conducted by the new property owner. PES or the PADEP would be better able to respond to the question of how effective these systems are and what happens during heavy rains and... read more
Have you submitted draft cleanup plans to DEP? Can we receive a copy of the Cleanup Plan?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
A draft Cleanup Plan has not been submitted to the PADEP. Remedial Investigations must be completed prior to submitting Cleanup Plans and other Act 2 reports that follow Remedial Investigations in the Act 2 process. Upon completion of Remedial Investigation Reports (RIRs) for each of the Areas of Interest, the subsequent Act 2 reports can then be submitted. The Cleanup Plan(s) will be prepared and submitted... read more
What is being done to prevent contaminated groundwater from entering the Pollock and 26th St Sewers?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
Groundwater/light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) are being recovered via remediation system recovery wells along the property boundary in an area along 26th Street. Groundwater and LNAPL are also recovered via horizontal recovery wells along the Pollack Street sewer through the facility. Sewer conditions are to be evaluated as part of the future modeling... read more