Conventional land remediation consists of capping the contaminated soil with tarp and/or concrete; or hauling the soil someplace else. Capping ignores the problem for a few decades at most, until chemicals leach out. In this case, into the Delaware River. Hauling the soil elsewhere just pushes the problem of leaching onto another bioregion. Neither of these methods is true remediation since we’re either burning, burying, or relocating the contamination. Eco-remediation is the most cost effective method of remediating soil and water, per figure 98 in “Mycelium Running, Paul Stamets.

Evaluation of current and potential remedial options is ongoing. Cleanup Plans will be submitted upon completion of all Remedial Investigation activities, which will consist of identification and evaluation of remedial alternatives, selection of proposed remedies, and plans for the development, construction, and initial operation of the proposed remedy and/or documentation of interim remedial actions already in place. The Cleanup Plans will document the evaluation of criteria such as the effectiveness of the remedy to manage risk, the extent to which the risks are being reduced, the ability to implement the remedy, reduction of regulated substances, and post-remediation care plans, among other potential factors.