Do you have any idea what is going to be done with the site, and is there any way to encourage using it as a site for renewable energy for the city?

Evergreen is responsible only for the historic contamination that exists below the surface in soil and groundwater at the Site. We are in the process of finishing the investigation activities at the site to identify the extent of the chemicals in soil and groundwater, so we can develop a remediation (cleanup) plan for the site. At various steps in the process, reports will be written, public meetings will be held for the Act 2 reports and information will be posted to the website created for the Act 2 process ( Evergreen will make additional notifications before any additional final cleanup activities specified in the cleanup plans begin.

Hilco Redevelopment Partners plans to redevelop the site into a multi-modal logistics hub and does not plan to operate the site as a refinery. As part of their outreach activities, more information will be provided by Hilco Redevelopment Partners for specific future site uses as their redevelopment process continues. Evergreen will continue to communicate and work jointly with Hilco Redevelopment Partners so that our investigation and cleanup activities can continue during their redevelopment.  Hilco has made outreach to the community with updates on progress at the site. This will continue throughout the life cycle of the development.