The site characterization and history for the Schuylkill River Tank Farm (SRTF), which is also known as AOI 9, can be found in the RIR for AOI 9. Some contaminants are present in soil and groundwater related to the former operations. Light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL), or oil, is also present in limited areas and has been observed in monitoring wells. Evergreen completed additional off-site delineation of the dissolved contaminants since the submittal of the last RIR (2017) and is planning to submit these results to PADEP in a forthcoming addendum to the AOI 9 RIR (2021). The results of the site characterization demonstrate that the contamination from AOI 9 does not extend to any residential areas. The final remedial approach will be presented in a Cleanup Plan dedicated to the SRTF.