Evergreen interprets this question as potentially being in reference to the ongoing demolition and construction processes, which would be the responsibility of the new property owner. However, with respect to Evergreen’s responsibility to investigate and remediate soil and groundwater contamination, the route of exposure to nearby communities would be potential indoor or outdoor air impacts from dissolved... read more
I am wondering if you are able to send out updates about what plans are being carried out when. For instance, if you are cleaning a particular thing, I’d like to know ahead of time when that cleaning will take place and what the risks to the surrounding environment/people are.
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
Evergreen is in the process of finishing the investigation activities at the former Philadelphia Refinery to identify the extent of the chemicals in soil and groundwater, in order to ultimately develop remediation (cleanup) plans for the site. During this process, Evergreen will develop reports and hold public meetings, both of which will have public notices. Throughout the process, we will post information to the... read more