Transportation, storage, and disposal (TSD) facilities are regulated by the EPA under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) through which guidance on hazardous and non-hazardous waste has been developed. Wastes that may be removed from the former refinery facility could go to various different regulated TSD facilities, which will be determined at the time based on the chemical composition and physical... read more
Will this presentation be uploaded with closed captioning and translated/available in other languages? (Evergreen note: the question refers to the August 27, 2020 Public Information Session).
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
The presentation and other key documents have been posted to the website in three additional languages (Chinese, Vietnamese and Spanish), which are the three next most commonly spoken languages in the Philadelphia region. The website has also been modified to include a translation button on each page for translation of Q&A and other website... read more
Can you please report how many people are on this meeting as we the public cannot see how many people are here? (Evergreen note: question refers to the August 27, 2020 Public Information Session)
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
According to GHD, who administered the meeting on behalf of Evergreen, the raw data indicate an attendance of 493 people. However, after eliminating duplicate logins, attendance by presenters/regulators, and those that connected via both phone and computer, etc., the final count was approximately 213 people. This would not account for multiple people attending via single... read more
Are your LNAPL bodies in Slide 32 a result of shallow, deep or both wells being gauged? (Evergreen note: question references Slide 32 in the August 27, 2020 presentation)
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
All site wells are gauged, but only those reporting LNAPL were used to create Slide 32. The LNAPL bodies shown during the presentation were drawn using observations from wells screened across the water table (i.e. shallow wells). No deep or lower aquifer wells were... read more
Are drinking water intake portals downstream from the site. All the way to the Delaware Bay?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
As a part of the investigations, Evergreen conducted a well search including field reconnaissance within a one-mile radius of the Site using Pennsylvania’s Groundwater Information System (PaGWIS) and PADEP’s eMapPA GIS mapping tool. Search results did not identify potable water supply wells in the area. We also conducted a search of surface water intakes from the Schuylkill River within one mile of the Site, and... read more
Air quality measurements were made within existing buildings, but no air quality data was collected in surrounding neighborhoods or onsite at contaminated locations.
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
Evergreen must investigate air quality arising from subsurface contamination only, not from refinery operations above ground. As documented in the remedial investigation reports (RIRs), air samples were collected from inside site buildings, and from outdoor air locations, both as background and above areas of known LNAPL plumes. Based on the data collected in the RIRs there are no known residential areas where the... read more
Are chemicals you are presently using putting additional toxins in the air?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
Evergreen does not use chemicals in their current remediation... read more
Many of the finalized online reports reflect reviews done between 2011 to 2016 with no updates. How can I learn what happened next? Is there a person to contact with specific, referenced questions, which would be onerous for a Zoom conference?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
Remedial Investigation Reports do not get updated once approved. Once RIRs are completed and approved, other reports are submitted with additional information, activities, and updates in the Act 2 process. Evergreen has multiple reports planned for 2021 and will provide a draft schedule on the website of upcoming reports. We have also provided copies of the semi-annual update reports on the website, which are... read more
Is there any involvement of Hilco, the new owner?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
Hilco Redevelopment Partners is not involved in Evergreen’s Act 2 program at the site. Hilco Redevelopment Partners will have their own remediation program to manage focused areas where contamination occurred after September 2012; however, the two programs are separate. Evergreen and Hilco Redevelopment Partners will work together to limit disruptions of Evergreen’s remediation program during the development... read more
In today’s presentation (Evergreen note: question refers to the August 27, 2020 Public Information Session), related to lead, the presenter described that ‘it is a complex process’ for ‘choosing the standard’ associated with lead contamination levels and its subsequent categorization. Why does the entity responsible for contamination clean-up (and their supporting team) have the option to choose their standard for clean-up? Who is the authority having jurisdiction who reviews the selected standard? Are other standards more stringent? If so, why were those standards not used for these contaminants in this case?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
There are three choices for clean-up standards that can be applied to any Act 2 site: Statewide Health, Background, or Site-Specific. The choice between the three standards is up to the remediator, but each one has strict guidelines and processes that must be followed to demonstrate to the PADEP (who has jurisdiction and responsibility to review the selected standard) that the standard is appropriate and has been... read more