The 2015 HHRA report was completed specifically to assess lead exposure in soils to site workers. Fenceline measurements of benzene occurred as an operational task required by the EPA because it was an operating refinery at the time, and therefore, monitoring was done by PES. Evergreen is responsible for potential impacts from contamination at or below the ground surface, so that is our focus. We evaluate... read more
When will the areas be sampled that have not been sampled before because the refineries had been operating and when will that data be made public?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
There are some areas under the old process units that weren’t accessible or where it wasn’t safe for us to drill or dig because of ongoing operations. Once those units have been dismantled and the areas are accessible, Evergreen will go out and do additional sampling. Evergreen has not been provided with the planned schedule of demolition of the unit areas. However, the sampling will be performed immediately... read more
Of particular concern are impacts to living species in the Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers: – Persisting water quality problems stemming from site pollution (including sedimentation) that enters surface water through stormwater runoff and other pathways. These problems include low Dissolved Oxygen that impinges on fish and other aquatic life, hydrocarbons such as benzene and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), along with other legacy pollutants that harm species and their habitats – Endangered species (i.e., Atlantic Sturgeon and Shortnose Sturgeon, both of which are federally endangered); both of these sturgeon species are greatly imperiled and use this part of the tidal Schuylkill and the tidal Delaware – Fish and fishlife and other vulnerable species such as mussels and migratory fish, known to live and utilize the river.
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
If contamination affects certain sensitive ecological receptors, such as threatened and endangered species, it must be addressed in the cleanup. This can be accomplished through a risk assessment or remedial measures. An ecological risk assessment that evaluates the ecological receptors that would be in the Schuylkill and on site has been completed already and will be submitted through the Act 2 process upon... read more
1) I’m worried about Hydrofluoric acid or HF because if it gets into the neighborhood and someone throws a cigarette and it hits it, the whole neighborhood will blow up causing massive casualties. 2) Another concern I have is about Butane because this is the second large chemical in there this is lighter fluid and if it’s the right pressure and temperature then this will blow up also, this was the gas that blow up in the first place and if this was in a neighborhood it would be like a nuclear bomb exploded. 3) Another concern I have is about nickel carbonyl because nickel carbonyl is very toxic and can cause chronic bronchitis, reduced lung function, and lung and nasal cancer if breathed in.
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
These comments refer to chemicals used in petroleum refining processes and concerns with potential gas phase/ambient air conditions. Evergreen cannot address concerns regarding use of these chemicals as Evergreen is responsible solely for contamination in the subsurface and from releases prior to... read more
What are some of the possible risk pathways that you’ve encountered at the refinery. And how are you dealing with them?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
Risk pathways include routes of exposure for contaminants to reach receptors. One potential pathway would be vapor migration into sewers or buildings. Vapor intrusion into buildings can be addressed through various engineering controls, such as positive pressure in a building or vapor barriers/mitigation systems. Potential sewer vapors are currently being controlled in multiple locations using remediation systems... read more
Locations and concentrations of 30 contaminants of concern – including chrysene, naphthalene, mercury, and arsenic – were identified individually but their cumulative significance was not addressed.
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
As part of the Act 2 process, a risk assessment can be completed for a Site to develop risk based cleanup standards. The cumulative impacts from detected compounds would be included in the Risk Assessment activities. Evergreen cannot complete a Risk Assessment until the Remedial Investigation Reports are submitted and approved, and the RIR process cannot be completed until the public comment process on the Remedial... read more
It may have been more effective if this presentation was made available a week ago and we could have spent these two hours asking pertinent questions, such as: 1. what are the critical paths for considering the risks of lead and benzene to the adjacent communities; 2. how are increased climate-change risks being assessed; 3. how is ground and surface water run off being considered in the plans; 4. how is Hilco assessing the additional risks of (what looks like will be) hard scape pavement of 85-90% of the site?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
1- The route of exposure (or risk pathway) identified for adjacent communities would be potential indoor or outdoor air impacts from dissolved groundwater plumes that migrate offsite. However, initial assessment did not find any potential impacts to off-site residences from the conditions in shallow groundwater. This will be further evaluated after the contaminant fate and transport model is completed. Any... read more
Will this affect our drinking water?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
The refinery contamination sources discussed during the public information session are not expected to impact local drinking water supplies obtained by the City from the Delaware and Schuylkill... read more
Why isn’t the site-specific standard for lead being reevaluated based on the anticipated site use (commercial warehouse)?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
The site-specific standard for lead was calculated based on non-residential (not industrial) site use, which is consistent with the planned future... read more
The speaker (during the August 27th Public Information Session) said that the remedial investigation reports have to be approved before Evergreen does risk assessments. Since this hasn’t happened yet, why did Evergreen already complete the risk assessment for lead in soil?
Posted by Tiffani Doerr & filed under .
In order to determine risk to human or ecological receptors associated with contamination in soil or groundwater, the extent of the contamination must be known/defined for accurate calculation of risk. The calculation of the lead Site Specific Standard for shallow soil used risk-based calculations utilizing the updated Adult Lead Model and exposure assumptions recommended by the USEPA and the PADEP. This... read more